Sunday, August 24, 2008

Purpose and Intent

It would be wonderful if there was one place we could look for pure truth, pure religion. And we are fortunate to have such a source...God! If you ask God any question He will always answer you completely truthful. The catch is that you need to speak to God and you need to be able to understand His answers.
Most people don't speak to God face to face on a daily basis (or any regular basis for that matter). Most religions teach some form of communication, prayer, mediation, etc., but even with those methods in use the answers from God aren't always interpreted exactly correct. The result is that we continue to gather partial truths here and there. And we somehow feel that with these partial truths we can make definite statements of fact. In reality we mix truth and religion with the philosophies of men. We use the partial truths to get started and then we mixed in our improvised theories to fill in the gaps of knowledge and truth that we don't know or understand.
This blog is for me to share my truths as purely as possible, leaving as many philosophies of men on the sidelines. But as a disclaimer, I have not reached all knowing status and so I may be prone to some error in exact truth or religion. Therefore, these ideas are my own, these beliefs are my own and you (as a reader) should do all you can to research out the truths and then go directly to God and ask Him for the ultimate answers regarding truth and religion.

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