Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Testimony

By Dave Petersen

Today, fast Sunday, has been a spiritual feast. The spirituality began during the week with lesson preparation as I studied the conference issue of the Ensign looking for an appropriate message to share with my priesthood quorum. So many good talks; but few from which to choose. I say few because the stake has already assigned certain talks for future priesthood/relief society lessons. I was left with a talk that had been assigned to a previous lesson, but not used because we never got to the talk during the lesson. The conference talk was by President Monson; Preparation Brings Blessings. Spirituality, or feeling the presences of the spirit, continued to increase as we began our fast and I finished preparations for my lesson. It continued to increase with the sacrament music and partaking of the sacrament. Our Bishop bore strong testimony of the Savior’s and Heavenly Father’s love for us. We are God’s children and He wants us to succeed. He does not leave us alone in this world, but helps us as much as we allow Him to do so. He then turned the time over to the congregation for testimony bearing.

Several bore testimony, including children. Then Karma Dale bore her testimony. It is not often a person gets to hear first hand, directly from someone who experienced it, a near death experience where they visited the other side of the veil. About two months ago Karma collapsed in her garage. After a quick priesthood blessing by her brother and son she was rushed to the hospital. There the doctors struggled to keep her alive. At first they thought she was experiencing a stroke, but they could not actually find the cause of her condition. Karma testified that while her body lay in the hospital her spirit traveled to the spirit world where she met her mother. Karma’s mother died a few years ago, advanced in age and in a very weaken and frail condition. Karma testified that her mother looked beautiful, strong and healthy. The feelings of peace and love were overwhelming. She immediately wanted to stay and rest from her mortal cares, but her mother informed her that she could not. There was much for her yet to do in mortality. She would be a positive influence to others and especially grandchildren who were now entering their mortal existence. Her mother assured her that her sacrifices in mortality were accepted by the Lord and that she was living a life in harmony with the gospel. Her mother also assured Karma that she would be there with her as she finished out her mortal existence, helping her and comforting her during her trials and times of discouragement. Karma was told she would be able to feel of her mother’s presences and know that she was there for her.

Karma then met a neighbor lady who died early in life without having the opportunity to finish raising her family. A few days before ending up in the hospital Karma had been at the prom (she is a school teacher) and had seen the daughter of this friend she met in the spirit world. The daughter does not like to be touched much but in spite of this fact Karma felt impressed to give her a hug and tell her how beautiful she looked in her prom dress. The hug was graciously received. When Karma met her neighbor in the spirit world she thanked her for hugging her daughter. She said she had been standing there also with her daughter wanting to hug and kiss her but was unable to, not having a body and separated by the veil. She thanked Karma for looking out for her daughter and asked Karma to let her daughter know her mother is actively involved in her life trying to influence her for good.

Karma bore testimony that our family members are among us, helping us in unknown ways, always encouraging and influencing us for good. We are never alone, they are there for us. They want us to succeed. The eternal family bond is far stronger than we realize or appreciate.

Another member of the ward bore strong testimony of the power of the priesthood. They had a child who through priesthood blessing was restored to health after all hope for their recovery through medical means was exhausted. She testified of the priesthood power given to men on earth to act in God’s name to heal the sick, and assured us that miracles were being performed by the priesthood today just as they were in ancient times.

These testimonies and the events of the day caused me to ponder and remember the blessings we have had as a family. My siblings will remember, and perhaps my children, but my grand children are too young to have heard or understand the sacred experiences that happened at the time my father died. My mother experienced visitations of comfort from Dad after his death. Mother, through her humble faith, received many direct promptings from the spirit giving her direction and comfort with regard to her children and her responsibilities as a mother. Her faith was strong. She had a firm understanding and knowledge of the plan of salvation. This knowledge and faith she had from the time she was a little girl. At the time of Dad’s death we as a family were given a powerful priesthood blessing from Rolf Kerr. He promised us great blessings of family unity and a willingness of us as children to help and support our mother. All he promised came to pass. I also thought of the priesthood blessing given to James and Melissa at the time of Camille’s birth and death. Most of the blessing has to do with Camille’s presence and participation with the family. All of this is consistent with the testimonies that were borne today in sacrament meeting. Family members who have passed on are yet with us. I am saddened when I think of the many times I must have disappointed my father and others who have a direct interest in me and my progression. But I know they understand and are happy and pleased when I do get it right and when I am progressing positively toward exaltation. I as a parent here on earth am no different. I get unmeasured happiness whenever my children and grandchildren live their lives in accordance with the gospel. I see happiness prevail in their lives when they do so and it is a great reward to be able to share in their happiness.

On this day of testimony bearing I want to close with my own testimony. I have had many many experiences wherein I have felt the presences of not only the spirit, but of my parents. I too have been a witness and participant in priesthood blessings that could only be considered miracles. When I am living my life in accordance with the gospel my connection to the spirit world seems constant and close. I have no doubt about the Plan of Salvation, or of the Restored Gospel. I feel abundantly blessed to have faithful parents and ancestors who care about me and love me. I am grateful to have been born in the covenant with all the blessings that birthright entails. I am grateful for a faithful and loving wife, her valiant parents, and for children who have testimonies of the gospel and who are raising their children in the gospel. These are the last days and perilous times. Because it is the last day, manifestations of the spirit are abundant for those who are in tune. We need not be afraid, as President Monson taught; Preparation Brings Blessings. God bless each of you.


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