Sunday, September 7, 2008

Thoughts from (135) Stake Conference (Sunday Session)

Sunday session we were forced to find seating in the overflow (Little Theater) of our Stake Center. I guess than can happen when you get 135 stakes meeting together and you arrive just 10 minutes before the session begins. Although we found these seats initially we discovered that the very front row in this room was available (I think someone left) so we quickly relocated to the very front of the room. This allowed us to be virtually undistracted by the others in attendance (and hopefully we weren't too much of a distraction to them).

This session was broadcast from the BYU Marriott Center and was hosted by the 22 BYU stakes. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf presided at the meeting and was the concluding speaker. Elder Boyd K. Packer (president of the quorum of the 12 apostles) and Elder Marlin K. Jensen (of the 70) were also in attendance and were featured speakers. Here are some thoughts that impressed me at this session of conference:

Sister Dibb (of the Relief Society) - real vs counterfeit. We have become so used to imitations and counterfeits that we don't know what were missing (example: store bread vs homemade bread). The world (Satan) creates imitations that don't have lasting value (pleasure vs happiness) and tries to convince us that its the real deal. When we reflect on the memories, if we have the wonderful feelings of the experience it was real but if we have regret or sadness then it was a counterfeit. Satan can never have a family so he wants YOURS! She also related a story of a newly rich person who bought himself a nice Porsche Boxter with his new-found wealth. He then discovered he was discontent because his richer friend has a nicer car. At that point he made the conscious decision not to be in the "race" and sold his car and bought a Toyota (we all have to fight the devil inside each of us).

Elder Marlin K. Jensen (of the 70) - loving those who are "different." Different has many meanings, physical, social, spiritual, educational, racial, etc. The leaders of the church have been called to teach gospel ideals and can never do otherwise. We don't apologize for the ideal and it is something that each of us should strive for but it can't be a measuring stick for our eternal worth (because we will all fall short of ideal). There are many who have fallen short and aren't living all the gospel standards but we should be open and love them (especially love them as we try to help them back to the gospel). Our discipleship could be evaluated by how well we love those who are different. No matter what our calling or position, at one time or another we can all be considered the lost sheep that another must find and bring back to the fold. And spiritual gifts are for those who keep the commandments (AND for those who seek so to do).

President Boyd K. Packer (Pres. of Apostles) - the priesthood is confered in whole, not pieces. Every Melchizedek priesthood holder hold all the priesthood that the apostles and the prophet hold; however, different keys are given in the use of that priesthood. The priesthood must be bestowed in person (it can't be transmitted over the internet or by audio/visual broadcast). This church is getting large (13 million people) and the only way that the apostles can visit each stake is through the broadcasting system; it just isn't practicle for personal visits to all the stakes. Training & teaching, visits and interviews can all be done through video conferencing and broadcasting and can be done instantaneously. Even paperwork can be transmitted to distant locations but gospel ordinances and priesthood must be bestowed in person.

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf (2nd Counsilor, 1st Presidency) - spiritual flightplan. Pilots are given coordinates to their final destination but they are also given reference points along the flight path. We know our ultimate destination, to return to the celestial kingdom, but we are given reference points along the path to make sure we are still heading in the right direction. Some of those reference points include: baptism, sacrament, priesthood ordinations, endowment and temple sealings, etc. As we pass these points in our spiritual path we can know we are on the path to exaltation. Missionary work is very important and should be one goal (reference point) for every young man. Those who have not made that decision should be encouraged to make an inspired decision to go on their mission. Missionaries affect people and families for generations.

These broadcast meetings are surprising inspirational and I am certainly grateful that I had the chance to attend this meeting with my family. My boys did their best to be reverent for 2 full hours (plus 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting) and did a remarkable job; while they didn't sit perfectly still for 130 minutes they were very well behaved and was pleased with their efforts. From this weekend's meetings I know that I need to start having morning AND evening prayer with my family and consistent FHE.

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